Thursday, 23 June 2016

Small is beautiful

Bist du verruckt? Are you mad? Mother frequently exclaimed. At a passing driver, at what I'm wearing or what I got up to or something she didn't agree with. But you couldn't say that of her. Oh no. Innovative, brilliant, some called her eccentric. But not mad.

My mother, Lotte Berk brought the world a new and exciting exercise technique. She had a huge following in America and England in the 60's, 70's and 80's. Once she retired the copy cats moved in and now flourish under different names. Sadly lacking the essence of Lotte, her charismatic and enthusiastic vitality and dumbing down the flair in her inspirational exercises.

Now that Lotte is no longer here I've taken over training so as to keep the authentic work as mother intended. Alive with all the fun and passion she injected in her classes. Lotte's introduction of the tilt has been the biggest contribution to modern exercise.

Try it out with me now.

Lie flat on your back. Knees bent, feet on the floor. Now press the small of your back into the floor. That tiny clever movement helps to support your back while exercising. You should feel as you tilt that your fanny is almost lifting but don't lift it. Keep your eyes on your fanny for just a few small movements. Small is beautiful.


  1. Your mother was a true genius! None of these barre copycats touch even the warm up excercises! So happy you're carrying on this spectacular work

    1. Thank you so much for your comment and clear enjoyment of Lotte's wonderful exercises. There isn't a better technique out there. Lotte created gold.

  2. Your mother was a true genius! None of these barre copycats touch even the warm up excercises! So happy you're carrying on this spectacular work
